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Homeopathic Medicine For Genital Herpes Treatment: Cold Sores (Homeopathy)

Genita Herpes Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine For Genital Herpes Treatment-

Genital Herpes, Best homeopathic approach for treating Genital Herpes: As a Golden rule, homeopathic treatment does not believe in external application of medicine. Homeopathic medicine is selected constitutionally, on the basis of complete case taking, and this well selected homeopathic medicine is given orally. 

Aura Homeopathic Clinic strongly recommends Classical Homeopathic treatment for Herpes infection.

Genital Herpes Transmission: Cold Sores (Transmission)

The herpes simplex virus type 2 is transmitted by the sexual route, being highly contagious in the moments in which the patient presents / displays lesions active in the genitalia. The major problem with genital herpes is that transmission can occur even in the phases where the patient is asymptomatic. Therefore, even outside the seizures, the patient continues to eliminate the virus intermittently, and can transmit genital herpes to his / her partner. Usually, in a period of 100 days, the patient spends 2 or 3 eliminating the virus asymptomatically.

The frequency of elimination of the virus is becoming smaller as the years pass in relation to the first appearance of herpes. Out-of-seizure elimination is greater in the first three months after primary infection. After 10 years of infection, out-of-crisis transmission is becoming less and less common. One study has screened about 400 patients with genital herpes for more than 10 years and has taken samples of their genital organs out of seizures for a period of 30 consecutive days. Only 9% had the virus detectable for transmission.

Every time the patient experiences a crisis, their rate of asymptomatic transmission rises again, falling again as the last crisis grows older. 70% of genital herpes transmissions occur in the asymptomatic phase, since during crises the patient usually avoid having sex.

HIV positive patients who also have genital herpes are the group that most present transmission during the asymptomatic phase.

The herpes simplex virus type 1 usually causes injury only in the mouth, but can be transmitted to the genitals in case of oral sex. Once infected, patients with genital herpes type 1 transmit the disease in the same way as type 2 infected patients. The difference is that type 1 seizures tend to be milder and less frequent, and out-of-seizure transmission is less common.

The herpes simplex virus type 2 survives very little time in the environment, being unusual the transmission through clothes or towels. Transmission of genital herpes into swimming pools or toilets is not common.

The use of condoms reduces the chance of transmission, but does not eliminate it completely, since herpes lesions may arise in areas of the genital area that are not covered by the condom. For example, a herpes lesion in the scrotal sac remains exposed even with the proper use of the condom.

Genital Herpes in Pregnancy:

Genital herpes behaves similarly in pregnant and non-pregnant women. The major problem of herpes in pregnancy is the risk of transmission to the baby.

Usually, transmission occurs only during delivery, when the baby passes through the vaginal canal and contacts the contaminated secretions of the female genitalia. Even when the mother is asymptomatic and without lesions, there is a risk of transmission. The greatest risk occurs when the woman becomes infected near the time of delivery, ie when the primary infection appears in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Only rarely can the herpes virus be transmitted within the uterus during pregnancy and therefore not an infection that usually causes malformations to the fetus.

The cesarean section greatly reduces the risk of transmission of herpes, which is the most indicated form of delivery in women known to be contaminated. It is worth noting that cesarean delivery reduces, but does not completely eliminate the risk of contagion of the baby.

Women with symptoms of genital herpes during pregnancy can be treated with Homeopathic medicine no matter what the trimester of gestation they are.

How the Diagnosis is done: Cold Sores (Diagnosis)

Genital herpes lesions are typical and during crises are easily recognized by experienced doctor. If laboratory confirmation is required, or if the lesion is not very typical, the doctor may take samples of the ulcers to identify the virus. In the asymptomatic phases, it is possible to investigate herpes infection through serologies, which can identify both type 1 and type 2 herpes simplex virus. Serologies are also important for the screening of partners of infected patients.

The tests can identify the virus but do not provide information about when the patient was infected.

Genital herpes treatment: Cold Sores (Homeopathy)

There is no permanent cure in Allopathy medicine for genital herpes, frequently used allopathy medicine are  Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir (Famvir), Valacyclovir (Valtrex). And these medicine have number of side effects. Now day a good number of scientific reference advocate Homeopathy as Best Alternative Medicine for the treatment of HSV.

Conclusion: Many classically selected homeopathic medicines have been known to treat genital herpes/ Cold sores. Few of these homeopathic medicine are –

  • Natrum mur,
  • Petroleum
  • Causticum,
  • Crot-t,
  • Dulcamara,
  • Graphites,
  • Hepar-sulph,
  • Medorrhinum,
  • Merc-sol, \
  • Sepia,
  • Tellurium,
  • Thuja,
  • Anancardium,
  • Aur-met,
  • Calcarea,
  • Crot-h,
  • Jug-r,
  • Nit-ac,
  • Ph-ac,
  • Sars,
  • Sil,
  • Ter,
  • Rhus-tox.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. With main focus on the patient as a individual, considering his pathological condition. Classically Best homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of full individualization and case-analysis, including the medical, physical and mental constitution of the patient.


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