Best homeopathy doctor in Delhi

Allergy Homeopathy Doctor Delhi NCR

Homeopathy treatment for Respiratory allergies as well as skin allergy is very effective. Allergies including Pollen allergy, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cold allergy, urticarial, dermatitis have good treatment in homeopathy system of medicine. You can visit Aura Homeopathy or book your online appointment if you are searching Best homeopathy Doctor for Allergy in India.

Homeopathy Doctor For Allergy In Delhi NCR India

The most common allergy during change of season, especially spring season is rhinitis. Rhinitis is characterized by one or several of the following symptoms: nasal congestion, runny nose, post-nasal drip, sneezing, red eyes (conjunctivitis), and itching of the nose or eyes. It may be allergic in origin, but isn’t always. It may be present only during a specific season, or present year-round with or without periods of worsening. At Aura Homeopathy India, we provide Best Homeopathy Treatment for Allergies in India.

Homeopathy Doctor In Delhi NCR India

Mechanisms of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is defined by the presence of antibodies (IgE) which recognize certain allergens. When these antibodies are exposed to the allergen, they bind the allergen and this leads to an inflammatory reaction. This reaction is characterized by the liberation of several inflammatory mediators (histamine, tryptase, leukotrienes…) which in turn leads to the signs and symptoms typical of allergic rhinitis.

Classification of rhinitis

Not all forms of rhinitis are associated with an inflammatory component.

There are several possible reasons for rhinitis:

  1. Allergic (seasonal, perennial, episodic)
  2. Non-allergic:
    1. Vasomotor (cold, exercise, irritants): certain factors trigger the rhinitis via a reflex.
    1. Gustative (example: ingestion of spicy food can trigger a reflex leading to a runny nose)
    1. Infectious (infection of the upper respiratory tract by a virus or bacteria)
  3. Occupational: in which the symptoms are only triggered by an element in the workplace
  4. Other factors that can contribute to a rhinitis:
    1. Hormonal, hypothyroidism
    1. Medication: rhinitis medicamentosa (oral or topical decongestants), contraceptives, antihypertensives, cardiac medicine, aspirin and anti-inflammatories. The benefits of several of these medicines may be more important than the side effects, although is invariably recommended to avoid prolonged utilisation of oral and topical decongestants.
    1. Atrophic mucosa
    1. Other inflammatory/immunologic disorders: granulomatous infection, granulomatous inflammation: Wegners granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, Churg-Strauss…It is important to note that these health conditions usually present with other signs and symptoms, and not simply a rhinitis.

Aura Homeopathy approach to allergic rhinitis

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Aura Homeopathy Allergy Centre is a <a href="">Best Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi NCR</a>, India. It is managed by Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D, who is among Best Homeopathy Doctor in India for Allergies. As per Dr. Kasana, for rhinitis, it is first important to identify the triggering elements in order to enact measures to avoid exposure to these allergens. The same is true of other irritating substancesAura Homeopathy Allergy Centre is a Best Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi NCR, India. It is managed by Dr. Abhishek Kasana M.D, who is among Best Homeopathy Doctor in India for Allergies. As per Dr. Kasana, for rhinitis, it is first important to identify the triggering elements in order to enact measures to avoid exposure to these allergens. The same is true of other irritating substances

The most common inciting allergens are: pollens, dust mites, molds, animal dander and certain insects like cockroaches.

Prevention and Allopathy treatment Of Allergy

It is important to enact environmental control measures to avoid the allergens that are causing the problem. Environmental control measures may be insufficient in many cases, and often one needs to consider pharmacological therapy:

  • When the symptoms are light and occasional, antihistamines may suffice:
    • Non-sedating antihistamines: loratadine (Claritin™), cetirizine (Reactine™), desloratadine (Aerius™), fexofenadine (Allegra™) as needed.
  • If the symptoms are present more than 50% of the time:
    • Nasal sprays prescribed by a doctor (intra-nasal corticosteroids: Avamys™, Flonase™, Nasacort™, Nasonex™,Omnaris™, Rhinocort™).
    • It is recommended to take these medications on a regular basis for the maximum effect.
    • In addition, one can also take regular antihistamines.
  • Eye drops prescribed by a physician.
  • Other: leukotriene receptor antagonists (Montélukast-Singulair™)
  • Immunotherapy or allergy shots

Why Homeopathy For Allergy?

As per our clinical data, above measure aren’t sufficient to control your symptoms, it is important to follow-up with Best Homeopathy Doctor Near me who is having good experience in treating allergies. Usually patient visit us after taking anti histamines medicine for long duration without proper cure, hence for allergies Homeopathy come as last resort, when they keep on getting the similar symptoms even after taking regular allopathy treatment.

Best Homeopathy Treatment For Allergy In Delhi Ncr India

As per Dr. Kasana Renowned Allergist In India, the action of antihistamine is superficial, hence patient feels temperory relief for 12-24 hours after taking these medicine. There after symptoms of allergy again resurface. Whereas homeopathy treatment for allergies is deep acting, as in homeopathy constitutional medicine is given to the patient. These medicines are dynamic in nature and work on the root cause of the disease, thereby enhancing the immunity of the body.

We always recommended taking homeopathy treatment under the supervision of Best Homeopathy Doctor For Allergy in your locality. Else you can opt for Aura Homeopathy Cyber Treatment. We have a team of Best Homeopathy Doctor In India which include M.D, Goldmedalist, Researcher in Homeopathy.

So now you know if you want to consult Allergy Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi ncr or online allergist for allergies or other health problems, you will find it at Aura Homeopathy India.

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